The APEXVIEW APX100 digital imaging system supports a wide range of observation methods. With easy-to-use, convenient functions and intuitive software, it makes diverse research applications more efficient while not compromising on image quality.
This gallery showcases application examples captured using an APX100 digital imaging system. If you have any questions about how it can be used in your applications, let us know!

Multichannel Fluorescence
Observe samples with multiple stains and in combination with other imaging modes like phase contrast or gradient contrast.
Capacity of up to eight mirror cubes to accommodate many experimental conditions.
Capture images under optimal conditions quickly with automated exposure time and Z offset calibrations for each channel.
Neatly displays merged images to ensure each acquisition matches your standards.
BPAE cells. Stain: Mouse Anti-α-tubulin, BODIPY FL Goat Anti-Mouse IgG, Texas Red-X Phalloidin, DAPI.
Capture entire tissue samples or assess the condition of cell culture flasks over wide areas rapidly at high resolution.
High-accuracy stitching makes the joints between images nearly invisible in both brightfield and fluorescence acquisition modes.
Even tilted or uneven samples can be cleanly stitched together.
Mouse lung captured with UPLXAPO4X objective. Stain: HE.

Acquire multiple images in the Z direction to accommodate thick samples.
Create all-in-focus images with just a few clicks.
Achieve sharp, blur-free images using TruSight™ 3D deconvolution.
Subcellular localization of kendrin/pericentrin, centrosome protein. Image data courtesy of Kazuhiko Matsuo, Ph.D., Division of Developmental Biology and Anatomy, Department of Anatomy, Kyoto Prefectural University of Medicine.

Gradient Contrast: See Your Sample in a New Light
Works with any Olympus objective.
Less affected by the meniscus, container lids, and water droplets.
Can be used with glass- and plastic-bottom dishes and multi-well plates.
Image through the plastic lids of Petri dishes and multi-well plates, reducing the risk of contamination.
Expression of membrane -translocated mCherry in HEK293T cell. Image data courtesy of Rie Saba, Ph.D., Division of Developmental Biology and Anatomy, Department of Anatomy, Kyoto Prefectural University of Medicine.